



Winter is the best season for visiting?

2018年1月28日   ショップのこと
Hi! This is Macchan!

How are you doing?

Today I had two nice guests from Chiba and Poland! Thank you for participating in my tour!!!

The weather was cloudy and very windy this day. we couldn’t see blue sky, but it was good that it had not been raining during our tour.

and two more good things… One is just few people ware in mountain. It means that we could enjoyed staying in nature without others(very nice), and other one is that we could see more powerful swelled waterfall than the usual because of heavy rain yesterday!

ummm…., We can’t see the blue sky often in winter,but we can enjoy the island nature slowly without others and see big and dynamic falls in winter!! some people say that they like winter for visiting here more than visiting at summer season because less tourists and warm climate. I think if the weather was good, the winter season is the best season for trekking or hiking!!!

Then How do you think about this???

Kayaking on calm river!

Standing on the top of the waterfall(Pinaisara fall)!

Having our lunch at very nice spot!

Powerful waterfall!

Having a relax time(coffee time!)


  • W.M. | 2018.01.31 2:41

    Thank you Macchan for the great experience.
    I really enjoyed quiet season on Iriomote!
    Lack of the blue sky was compensated by calmness of the low season. Since I’m not a big gun of heat, this was a perfect time for me. Too bad that yamaneko didn’t show up. Maybe next time 😉

  • pororoca | 2018.01.31 11:14

    Thank you again for participating in my tour!
    I hope see you again next year!

  • Romy | 2018.01.31 4:04

    Thank you very much Macchan!
    We really enjoyed the Macchan’s tour.
    One day’s kayaking and trekking tour to the waterfall was wonderful and very impressive.

    I hike a lot in the main island of Japan and I found hiking in the Ireomote’s jungle of course so different and very exciting.

    But for me, The highlight of the tour was not trekking but a local soba lunch Macchan kindly and carefully prepared at the cozy spot on the top of waterfall.
    It was gorgeous moment, having a nice lunch with a super view!
    (Macchan asked me many questions beforehand to prepare a perfect vegetarian lunch)
    We also enjoyed coffee in the real jungle cafe on the way from the top!

    We didn’t see blue sky except ones in the summer’s photos Macchan “kindly” showed us.
    But it was unforgettable experience in a quiet season without blue sky.

    Thank you for your kindness, we had a relaxing evening in the old Japanese house in Ishigaki island.

    We would love to come back and stay longer to explore more nature in Ireomote island next time.

  • pororoca | 2018.01.31 11:17

    Thank you for visiting!
    Next time I will take you other attractive spots!!!

    See you again!

  • Romy | 2018.01.31 13:13

    Thank you for your comments.
    You are a great English speaking eco tour guide.
    I was so lucky that I found you!

    By the way, authenticating with Japanese characters in your blog may not be a good idea for your future foreign visitors, but posting message and photos for each guests in your blog is a great idea and it made our tour more special!

    Anyway, hope to see you again and send our foreign friends and guests to Ireomote soon.




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